Unit 73 IG1 Assigment Brief

Task 7 - GTA 5 Cut Sequence Audio Production


Use Reaper post-production software to create a 2 minute GTA 5 Expansion Pack computer game audio cut sequence as per the requirements of the brief.

Your completed audio cut sequence must be uploaded to your SoundCloud account profile page and must be embedded into a blog post with the title GTA 5 Cut Sequence Audio Production.

Task 6 - VST Produced Sound Effects


Use Reaper post-production software to create audio using VST sound generating plugins. You must produce sound effects for your 2 minute computer game cut sequence.

This must be supported by annotated screen captures that show:

·         The sound generating plugins used.
·         Clear explanations of what type of sound effects that you have created.
·         Clear explanations of what this sound will be used to depict in your computer game audio cut sequence.

Your VST produced sounds must be uploaded to your SoundCloud account profile page. Accompanying screen grab annotations and produced sounds must be embedded into a blog post with the title VST Produced Sound Effects.

Task 5 - Audio Recording VST Effects Manipulation


Use Reaper post-production software to edit and manipulate produced audio recordings using VST effects. You must use sounds recorded for task 1 to produce variations that clearly demonstrate the application and manipulation of a range of VST effects plugins.

This must be supported by annotated screen captures that show:

·         The effects plugins applied.
·         Clear explanations of what parameters have been adjusted.
·         Clear explanations of how effects applied have altered the sound of your original recordings. 

Your effects manipulated sound recordings must be uploaded to your SoundCloud account profile page. Accompanying screen grab annotations and produced sounds must be embedded into a blog post with the title Audio Recording VST Effects Manipulation.

These are my six final manipulated audio files and annotations to support them.

Task 4 - Audio Cut Sequence Raw Recordings


Record your audio cut sequence script in a recording studio environment. You must ensure that your dialogue is clearly recorded to a good technical standard. You are free to record yourselves and/or others when recording script dialogue.

All audio recordings must be renamed once produced to clearly indicate character names and dialogue spoken.

Audio recordings must be uploaded to your SoundCloud account profile page and embedded into a blog post in its unedited form with the title Audio Cut Sequence Raw Recordings.

Below are the recording for each characters dialogue of my cut sequence for Grand Theft Auto V

Task 3 - Audio Cut Sequence Script


Use Celtx software to produce a 2 page script featuring two characters. This will form the narrative basis for your audio cut sequence production for the GTA 5 mission expansion pack release. Your script pages must include correctly formatted character names, character dialogue and action description that clearly indicates reference to sounds that will feature in your audio cut sequence.

Your 2 page script must be uploaded to a blog post on your IG1 blog using the title Audio Cut Sequence Script

Task 2 - Computer Game Cut Sequence Sound Design Analysis


Analyse the sound design of a range of computer game cut sequences. You must gather video examples and discuss how the sound design gives a sense of:

         Game genre

In addition, your analysis must explain how you think specific soundtrack assets have been produced (with reference to production process):

         VST instruments and effects
         Studio recording
         Use of traditional instruments
         Audio field recordings

Your analysis must contain clear reference to specific sections of your chosen examples.  Your sequence analysis must be uploaded to a blog post on your IG1 blog using the title Computer Game Cut Sequence Sound Design 

1. Naruto Shippuden:  Ultimate ninja storm 3: Full Burst

2. Sonic Generations

3. Super Mario Sunshine

4. Gears of War 2

5. Saints Row 3 

6. Grand Theft Auto V


7. Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness

8. Halo 4

9. Need For Speed Most Wanted

 10 Darksiders